Eat to Gain Certificate

Eat to Gain
Please note this course is primarily designed for Fitness Instructors, with a view to guiding and helping clients. This course will introduce you to the nutritional tools you will need to help clients gain weight and muscle. Clients wish to gain weight for a variety of reasons. They might be too thin, trying to bulk up muscle or trying to develop an athletic build. To achieve this, they will need to understand the importance of eating nutrient-dense, high-quality food, to add those additional calories. This course offers detailed examples of high-quality food for weight gain and tips on lifestyle choices and exercises to enhance the effectiveness of a healthy diet. The course will also explore the various nutritional assessment tools and principles of metabolism which can be applied to analyse and assist with the achievement of healthy weight gain goals.
You will Learn:
- How to help clients gain weight in a healthy way.
- To understand the process of muscle hypertrophy and how to assist clients in achieving it through optimum nutrition.
- The difference between building muscle for a bodybuilder and for an athlete and how to achieve that.
- To identify ways to manipulate human metabolism for improved healthy weight gain.
- To understand the application of various nutritional assessment tools and how to use them to benefit clients.
Benefits of Taking this Course:
- You will develop a good understanding of the principles of nutrition for weight gain.
- This will give you specialist skills which will benefit both your clients' health and your own career.
- This understanding of nutrition will make you a more credible fitness instructor, as you will be able to combine exercise and nutritional techniques to benefit your clients.
- Your understanding of human metabolism and nutritional assessment will further enhance your skillset and your career options.
- You will know your limits when it comes to giving nutritional advice and when to recommend a health practitioner or dietician.

4 hrs