Health and Social Care Certification Level 3

Health and Social Care Certification Level 3

If your company aims to help people and make a difference or you believe that there are some employees within your organisation who would benefit from adding some new skills to their repertoire, a certification in health and social care is a great place to start. Having the knowledge required, in order to provide care and basic medical attention is necessary, if your team members have an aspiration to achieve a rewarding career in health and social care. Regardless of the segment of the care sector that your organisation fits into, this course will fit your employees’ needs. As this course is offered entirely over the internet, this will allow your staff the freedom to study from anywhere and at any time that suits them. By studying these 19 modules, they’ll quickly be able to grasp what it takes to become capable in the field of health and social care.

What’s Covered in the Course?

Some of the main points that your team members will study on this course include:
  • The laws and regulations that are applicable to those who work in healthcare;
  • What a carer is and how they influence the economy;
  • An introduction to the important publication: ‘The National Carers Strategy’;
  • How to properly handle heavy loads manually, in order to avoid injury;
  • Who vulnerable adults are and the tools available, in order to help keep them safe;
  • How infections spread and what your team members can do, in order to avoid them;
  • The proper way in which to perform CPR and how this invaluable tool can help save lives;
  • How to operate a defibrillator, when someone is going into cardiac arrest;
  • The countless mental illnesses that an individual can suffer from and how the mental health field is rapidly evolving;
  • The regulations in place, when it comes to carers working with children.

What are the Benefits of the Course?

When completing this course, there are a range of benefits that employees can look forward to, including:
  • Teaching their colleagues how to provide basic medical care in an emergency situation;
  • The ability to study from any place, 24/7;
  • Upon completion of the course, your employee will receive a fully-accredited certificate, and this adds extra credibility to your business;
  • Online support offered with the course.
20 hrs
All major devices and browsers

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