3 hrs
Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Certification

Thomas–Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Certification
Conflicts are almost a certainty. While in some situations, conflicts are harmless, there are other cases where these types of situations can cause tension. Sometimes it is easy to work through these challenging situations, but when things are hard to deal with, it can be useful to access tools that will help defuse the issue. This is where the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) comes into play. Professors of management, Ken Thomas, PhD and Ralph Kilmann PhD, created the TKI Conflict Mode Instrument to help with conflict resolution. The TKI works with organisations and individuals to help assess how they deal with conflicts and when/where they can make changes so that effective resolutions can be made. It can be hard to imagine that every conflict will turn out okay, but with the approach that the TKI Conflict Mode instrument takes, it is possible. Not only can this assist a person in their day-to-day life, but organisations can implement it to encourage a better workflow. By assessing an individual and providing them with an in-depth analysis of how to react to certain conflict situations, this can not only empower an individual to make the right choice, but will also teach them how to handle future, unexpected conflict situations.You Will Learn
- What the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is and why it is a useful management tool
- How the TKI works and when it can be applied
- About the five conflict-handling modes that can be implemented in almost every conflict situation
- The benefits of the TKI not just for individuals, but also for members of an organisation
- How one can obtain TKI training and certification
Benefits Of Taking this Course
- You will learn about the TKI and why it has been such a success with individuals and organisations since being published in the 1970s. Additionally, individuals can learn how to implement the results of the assessment test in real-life situations.
- You will learn about the TKI and how it works to create an in-depth conflict resolution profile for an individual. This profile will essentially indicate how a person should approach each conflict.
- You will get an understanding of the five conflict-handling modes and will know what situations they should be applied.
- You will learn what the benefits of TKI training are and why the assessment can help individuals approach conflicts with more acceptance of the situation.
- You will know how to obtain TKI training and certification and other assessment tests, their benefits, and why using some of them in combination with the TKI can yield even better results.