3 hrs
Tackling Procrastination Certification

Tackling Procrastination
Do you feel that you want to do many things but are never able to accomplish your goals? Are your loved ones, colleagues or friends struggling to control procrastinating behaviours? Procrastination often has deep-rooted reasons and can ruin our lives in many ways if not identified and curbed. Chronic procrastination can hold you back from business, career and academic success, result in late fees and fines, and keep you from achieving your life goals.
This course on tackling procrastination explains the various triggers and discusses practical tools to help you overcome the habit.
What you will learn:
- What procrastination is and what current research says about it
- How procrastination depends on emotional regulation and mental conditioning
- Why laziness and relaxation are different from procrastination
- How self-esteem, discipline and self-efficacy are connected to procrastination
- The factors that play a role in driving procrastinating behaviours
- What the symptoms of procrastination are and how motivation helps curb the tendency
- Personality traits that play a useful role in battling procrastination
- How to use practical strategies to overcome the habit
Benefits of taking the course:
- You can identify the personal causes of procrastination that apply in your case and gain clarity regarding potential solutions
- You will eventually overcome procrastination and live a meaningful, full life
- Curbing procrastination will allow you to enjoy many rewards, and you will be able to get much more work out of your day
- In the process, you will develop willpower, self-discipline and self-regulatory habits that help you maximise your potential
- You will get better at setting your priorities and managing your time
- You will enjoy increased self-control and miss fewer opportunities for growth and success