0.75 hrs
Researching Certification

Researching CertificatION
Whatever your industry, good research skills are essential if you want to uncover reliable information and form your own opinion on a topic. In this course, you will learn the basic steps that you need to take when researching a question or general area of interest.You Will Learn:
- Why it is important to clarify your research question early on
- The difference between primary and secondary sources
- How to find reliable, well-informed sources of information
- How to take notes that will help you organise your thoughts
- How to avoid plagiarism
Benefits of Taking This Course:
- If you need to put together a report or white paper at work and need to develop your knowledge of a topic, this course will help you
- If you are a student or embarking on any kind of further learning, this course will help you discern reliable sources from unreliable sources
- It will improve your critical thinking skills, which, in turn, will help you appraise information that you come across in both your personal life and your professional life