English Grammar — Improve Your English Certification

English Grammar — Improve Your English
English is a notoriously difficult language to get right, especially when it comes to its written form. The rules of English grammar can seem arbitrary and are difficult even for native speakers to grasp fully.
However, as complicated and difficult as mastering English grammar can be, it is an essential part of improving your written and verbal communication. Without these skills, you may find it hard to get your message across in a way that others can easily understand.
This course introduces you to the basics behind English grammar. By going through both modules, you can learn enough about the rules of grammar to instantly improve your writing.
We begin by talking about the nine parts of speech in detail, reviewing how to properly use each one. Next, we move on to talk about the rules surrounding punctuation marks. Finally, we leave you with a few points that you can keep in mind, when you are proofreading your work.
You will learn:
- The difference between a noun, a pronoun and a proper noun
- When to use adverbs and adjectives and how to use them properly
- The rules of comma use, including a discussion about the Oxford comma
- How to properly use apostrophes and when to avoid using them
- The difference between a run-on sentence, a comma splice and a sentence fragment, along with how to avoid each one in your work
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1.25 hrs
Course FAQ
Who can take the English Grammar — Improve Your English Certification course?
There are no entry requirements to take the course.
What is the structure of the course?
The course has 2 modules and should take 1 hour. Each module takes between 15 and 45 minutes on average to complete, although students can spend as much or as little time as they feel necessary on the modules.
Where / when can the course be studied?
The course can be studied at any time and from any internet-connected device.
Is there a test at the end of the course?
Once you have completed the course there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken at a time and location of your choosing.