Discipline and Grievance Certification

Discipline and Grievance Certification

Procedures for handling discipline and grievance issues may vary considerably depending on the organisation, but it’s important that processes are implemented within the workplace to ensure that these issues are always dealt with in a fair and consistent manner.

This course will equip you with the skills and approaches required to manage discipline and grievance issues more efficiently by giving a clear understanding of what the terms mean and what appropriate procedures should look like.


You will learn:

  • About discipline in the workplace, including what progressive discipline entails
  • How proper policies and procedures should look
  • How to conduct a fair disciplinary hearing
  • About fair reasons for suspension and dismissal
  • How to manage grievances both informally and formally


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3 hrs
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Course FAQ

Who can take the Discipline and Grievance Certification course?


There are no entry requirements to take the course.

What is the structure of the course?


The course has 5 modules and should take 3 hours. Each module takes between 15 and 45 minutes on average to complete, although students can spend as much or as little time as they feel necessary on the modules.

Where / when can the course be studied?


The course can be studied at any time and from any internet-connected device.

Is there a test at the end of the course?


Once you have completed the course there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken at a time and location of your choosing.

What is the pass mark for the final test?


The pass mark for the test is 80%.

What happens if a user fails the test?


If the user doesn’t pass the test the first time, they will have two further opportunities to take the test after extra study.

How long does it take to complete the Discipline and Grievance Certification course?


We estimate that the course will take about 3 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 10 minutes for each of the end of module tests.

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