0.75 hrs
Privacy and Dignity Certification

Privacy and Dignity
Privacy and dignity are two principles that are the basis of the modern healthcare system. These are crucial for ensuring that patients are respected and properly cared for in a setting that often leaves many feeling uncomfortable and exposed. Understanding your rights as a patient and how they should be respected is important when seeking treatment. While there are many other principles that are considered in patient care, privacy and dignity take priority as much as possible. People who learn about privacy and dignity often benefit from a better understanding of what to expect from healthcare providers, what counts as part of dignity and privacy and how the principles are applied. This course will go into detail on the specifics of dignity and privacy and the importance of the principles in all healthcare settings. We begin by explaining what privacy is in relation to the healthcare sector, the components of dignity and the benefits of these principles. Next, we go into detail about the steps that you can take when applying these principles in a healthcare setting. Finally, we give you tips and advice on how to apply these principles with ease in various settings, both inside and outside healthcare.You Will Learn:
- About the importance of privacy and dignity in the healthcare industry
- What dignity is
- What privacy is in relation to the medical definition and application
- How these principles are applied
The Benefits of Taking This Course:
- You will be able to understand the importance of preserving patients’ privacy and dignity throughout the care and treatment process
- You will see how dignity is applied across various aspects of care
- You will learn the benefits of these principles, as well as their importance