Mental Health Awareness Certification

Mental Health Awareness Certification

According to the mental health charity Mind, one in four adults experience a mental health problem every year and one in six experience a mental health issue each week. These issues affect people from all walks of life – no one is immune to psychological distress.

Although mental illness is relatively common, sufferers often feel too ashamed to seek help. In some cases, this can have devastating consequences – mental illness diminishes an individual’s quality of life and can even result in suicide.

Fortunately, simply being aware of the signs, causes and treatment can create a safe environment – whether at home or in the workplace – whereby people feel as though they can talk about their problems and access appropriate interventions. This course will provide you with an introduction to the concept of mental illness, the signs and symptoms of the most common mental illnesses and how mental distress can be successfully managed.


You will learn:

  • What is meant by the terms “mental health” and “mental illness”, how psychological distress manifests itself and how mental illness impacts a person’s life.
  • The main symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders and panic attacks.
  • The symptoms of schizophrenia, the truth behind common misconceptions surrounding this illness and the nature and impact of psychosis.
  • How medication and talk-based therapies are used in the treatment and management of mental illness, and why some people with mental illness need to stay in hospital on an inpatient basis.
  • How and why people self-harm, the nature of suicidal thoughts and how to help someone who is contemplating ending their own life


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Course FAQ

Who can take the Mental Health Awareness Certification course?


There are no entry requirements to take the course.

What is the structure of the course?


The course is broken down into 5 individual modules. Each module takes between 15 and 45 minutes on average to study. Although students are free to spend as much or as little time as they feel necessary on each module.

Where / when can the course be studied?


The course can be studied study at any time and from any internet connected device

Is there a test at the end of the course?


Once you have completed all 5 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 5 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.

What is the pass mark for the final test?


The pass mark for the test is 80%.

What happens if a user fails the test?


If the user doesn’t pass the test first time they will get further opportunities to take the test again after extra study. There are no limits to the number of times a test can be taken.

How long does it take to complete the Mental Health Awareness Certification course?


We estimate that the course will take about 3 hours to complete in total, plus an additional 10 minutes for the end of course test.

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