1 hrs
Introduction to Employment Law Certification

Introduction to Employment Law Certification
Employment law is a broad field that addresses every part of a person’s working life from recruitment to retirement. It aims to promote fair treatment in the workplace, ensuring that workers are paid fairly for safe work carried out under safe conditions. This course will provide you with a brief overview of how employment law works, who is affected by employment legislation and the consequences of breaking the law. It presents employment law as a dynamic field that should be a key factor in shaping a company’s policies and procedures.You Will Learn:
- Who is covered by employment law
- The scope of employment law, including data protection and disciplinary action
- How Trade Unions work and how employment law relates to their activities
- How employment law is enforced in the UK, why it is important to keep up with new developments in employment law and the penalties companies can expect to receive if they do not comply with legislation.
Benefits of Taking This Course:
- If you own a business, this course will help you understand the extent of your responsibilities under the law
- If you are a worker, this course will broaden your knowledge of your workplace rights
- If you are a member of a Trade Union, or are considering joining a union, this course will give you a basic overview of their purpose and functions
- If you have a general interest in law, this course will introduce you to one of the most important legal domains in the UK.