4 hrs
Business Plan Writing Certification

Business Plan Writing Certification
No business can be successful without a reliable and well-structured business plan. Writing out a business plan forces you to review your entire business, investigate every important aspect and think about how to link different facets of your business together. In fact, a business plan is the blueprint for your business and will lend itself to change and evolution as your business grows and thrives. It’s an equally useful resource when things go wrong and you need to analyse your business. Writing a business plan correctly is crucial to the foundation of your business and it's important to be comprehensive, clear and effective. It’s equally important to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls that most entrepreneurs make.What's Covered in the Course?
This course on creating a business plan explains many important elements that comprise a good business plan. You will learn about:- Why you need a business plan and when you should have one ready
- The important information that a business plan should include
- How to identify and reach out to your niche market
- How to choose the best streams of revenue for your business
- How to develop a strong founding team for your business
- Understanding SWOT analysis and competition in your business
- How to include financials in the business plan like revenue, projects, profits, losses etc
- How to understand the economics surrounding your business and product and determining the correct pricing
- How to use pricing to calculate your profit margins, breakeven point and so on
- Determining equity, liability, assets of your business and including a balance sheet
This video course offers the following benefits
The benefits of doing the video course on creating a business plan include:- Understanding the different components that go into building a successful business
- Learning the intricacies and nuances of writing the perfect business plan
- Understanding the importance of targeting the right niche market for your product
- Understanding the financials that are crucial to creating a good business plan