British Sign Language Certification

British Sign Language
Sign language is one of the only ways in which deaf people or those with hearing impairments are able to communicate. This type of language involves not only hand gestures but also facial expressions and body language, all combined to enable effective communication.
Sign language is now used all over the world in many different forms. In this course, we will primarily focus on the UK’s main form of sign language: British Sign Language.
The course will go over some of the main elements of this language, as well as its interesting history. From there, the course will move on to explore some of the world’s other forms of sign language. American Sign Language is most commonly used worldwide, but there are actually hundreds of different versions of sign language.
The course will also take a look at the importance of deaf awareness and why sign language is such an irreplaceable tool. People who learn sign language have many opportunities in the job market, which this course will also go over.
You will then learn many commonly used words in sign language. These are covered in three separate stages:
1. ‘Foundation’ – alphabet, numbers, colours, animals
2. ‘Basic’ – people, hobbies, weather, transport, time
3. ‘Expansion’ – greetings, daily life, home, question forms, expressions, food and drink, compass
All in all, you will complete this course with a good knowledge of sign language in general and, specifically, a sound understanding of British Sign Language.
You will then have enough knowledge to go on to complete the Level 1 Award in BSL.
You will learn:
- The difference between British Sign Language and other types of sign language around the world
- How sign language is used, and why it’s so important
- The basics and history of British Sign Language
- Job opportunities for people who learn British Sign Language
- Nearly 300 signs that can help in your day-to-day life
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2 hrs
Course FAQ
Who can take the British Sign Language Certification course?
There are no entry requirements to take the course.
What is the structure of the course?
The course is broken down into 18 individual modules. Each module takes between 20 and 90 minutes on average to study. Although students are free to spend as much or as little time as they feel necessary on each module.
Where / when can the course be studied?
The course can be studied study at any time and from any internet connected device
Is there a test at the end of the course?
Once you have completed all 18 modules there is a multiple choice test. The questions will be on a range of topics found within the 18 modules. The test, like the course, is online and can be taken a time and location of your choosing.